31 January 2007

Composing Today

31 January
Not the best day composing, but also not the worst. I’ve been busy at the third section and cleaning up the opening, and the previous sections. I’m a little bit flummoxed by the direction of the piece, it slows down for a moment and then picks up again – overall the effect is not that strange in sound leading into what seems like a cadence. What I need to focus on in this next section, the viola solo is eliding out of the cadence and into the next bit, the “horn” ritornello which is slated to appear after this viola section. The additions today were relatively minor, but fill out the flute section. My thoughts are to have the viola continue through the cadence with percussion, like two measures, maybe three of a duo for the two before the entry of the other instruments. I’ve decided to build the entry in accelerating fashion. According to my chart, between the flute section and the viola section we have a change of mensuration – the whole ensemble’s tempo is ratcheted up to 5/4 of the initial tempo – from 72 to 90. So my thought is to build up the speed of this 12 measure bit from 48 (now 60) to 72 (now 90) to 90 (now 112.5) to 108 (now 135). This I think will build to a suitable climax for the return of the “horn” ritornello.
I must get ready to run off to New Jersey to run a choir rehearsal for the church I’m playing at now.



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