Fundamentals of Western Music

Professor: Todd Tarantino


Syllabus (pdf) Your current syllabus. (Updated: 022612 )

Columbia University's Sonic Glossary: Columbia's own resource for all manner of musical terms; illustrated with appropriate listening examples.

Blank Staff Paper

Week 1: Pitch and its Notation
On sound, the harmonic series and the like (for real math afficionados), see Dave Benson, Music: A Mathematical Offering, available as a pdf here

Spear, a free, harmonic spectrum analysis program can be found here.

Week 2: Rhythm and its Notation

Notation Conventions from Bruce Benward and Marilyn Saker Music in Theory and Practice

Week 3: Scales

Week 4: Intervals
Tarantino tools for intervals
Basic Rules for First Species Counterpoint
Basic Rules for Second Species Counterpoint
Tarantino tools for chords Some of this goes beyond what we have studied. Perhaps you'll find it helpful in the future.
Tarantino's Tools for cadences: How to determine which type of cadence you've got.

Partwriting Tarantino's Rules for Partwriting The "rules" of partwriting.

Harmonization Some helpful hints and examples for Harmonization

The Melodies
How Long and Dreary is the NIght
Lord Ronald My Son
Siuil a Ruin


Assignment 1: Pitch and its Notation
Assignment 2: Rhythm
Assignment 3: Scales
Assignment 4: Intervals
Assignment 5: Triads
Assignment 6: Chords and Figured Bass
Assignment 7: Chords and Roman Numerals
Assignment 8: Nonharmonic Tones
Assignment 9:Chord Connection / Harmonization 1
Final Assignment: Harmonization / Arrangement

Any and all materials, recordings and texts are intended stricly for educational purposes. All original material copyright Todd Tarantino 2002-2012